North side

South side

Prussian infantry brigade

2 light cavalry brigades under Austrian command

A flanking force of Croats & grenadiers - could be decisive

Austrian cuirassiers & dragoons.

Game kicks off in a few hours.
Thank you. Several of us here cover the SYW. I'm glad there's no ranking because I don't think I'd score particularly highly but nonetheless, it's a favourite period of mine. I am glad to "sneak" in a game amidst a lot of attention on the ECW and other periods.
Cuirassier and cuirassier, said Alice. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were just pandouring to those granny dears who don't like confrontation.
A game of this size was a bit ambitious for a mid-week slot & we didn't actually finish.
Funny, you should say that. "Von Winterfeldt" emailed me today & said he would look forward to a re-play. We only had just over 2 hours & he'd never played AGW before so not surprising we only got to the "crunch".