looks like 19 games are up currently. Some very appealing little synopsis' there. I am very curious as to what Karl has come up with in the Late War scenario - assuming all sorts of rubbish kit trying to stave off IS-2 and T34.
I have my selections ready for the off, assuming that there isn't a late contender...
Wargames dreams never die, they just get left in a box.
All my preferred options are "afternoon only" dammit - and not just Coastal Patrol and Burma CoC!
Do we need to be on Roll20 (or whatever it's called) as well?
Kein Plan überlebt den ersten Kontakt mit den Würfeln. (No plan survives the first contact with the dice.) Baron Mannshed von Wreckedoften, First Sea Lord of the Bavarian Admiralty.
i think you only need to be on Discord, and Jeremy will announce the signup mechanism. Last time it was email him. But he's considering using one of the RPG session managers.
I blocked out the various morning/afternoon sessions, then by rulesets, then by organisers and the sound of the scenario. If you wait till John Savage's scenario is up, then you should be able to see whether it is the same one.
Wargames dreams never die, they just get left in a box.
BaronVonWreckedoften wrote: ↑Mon Jan 11, 2021 12:36 pm
All my preferred options are "afternoon only" dammit - and not just Coastal Patrol and Burma CoC!
Do we need to be on Roll20 (or whatever it's called) as well?
No, your Games Organiser will tell you want platform they’re using. It’s mostly Zoom
grizzlymc wrote: ↑Mon Jan 11, 2021 12:52 pm
Ask John if his SP2 is the same as before please? If it is, it is a brilliant scenario, but only if you haven't done it before.
BaronVonWreckedoften wrote: ↑Mon Jan 11, 2021 12:36 pm
All my preferred options are "afternoon only" dammit - and not just Coastal Patrol and Burma CoC!
Bloody inconvenient games Organisers! What are they playing at? What is the world coming to when you can’t play with some Burmese CoC?