Lion Rampant - first game.

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Re: Lion Rampant - first game.

Post by Spanner »

Another aspect was that the individually mounted figures needed to be moved one at a time - very HG Wells
Look on the bright side, mate- LR units aren't 53 figures strong. , in South Oz, do sabot bases and movement trays, mate, which may be a solution. Prices are reasonable and their service is good, if you haven't tried them.
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Re: Lion Rampant - first game.

Post by ochoin »

Hi, Dal,

thanks for the tip & I do use movement trays for my large-ish Late Antiquity figures but not here.

As you remark, there are a limited number of figures to move & I think the game needs to have the individual figures separate. I think the reason for this is rather than having about 60 figures, you'd have 6 - a base for each of the half dozen units which ostensibly makes them a single entity. A game with what amounts to 6 figures a side would be weird.

At any rate, next time you're up to Bris. , you can try it out in a game & give me your thoughts.

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Re: Lion Rampant - first game.

Post by Spanner »

I've had a game or two, mate, but it was about 12 months ago. It played well enough, and was similar enough to Saga and NMTBH that we picked it up quickly.

No, you don't need to know who won. :(

Not sure when I'll be in Brissie, next, but we can work summat out. It may be on me way through to the ARMD and ARTY Museum in Cairns, which I'm hoping will be this coming winter (I've lived up in the far north and can do without any reminders of how comfortable summer, with 40°+C and 100% humidity, isn't).
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Re: Lion Rampant - first game.

Post by ochoin »

The Cairns' armour museum is amazingly good & I can't wait till the next time I'm there to see it - heat & humidity notwithstanding.

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Re: Lion Rampant - first game.

Post by Spanner »

So I've heard, from everyone I know who's been, mate. Plus their restoration videos on YT are brilliant. That's why I'm keen to get up there.

For me the trick is to balance the attraction of cooler weather in winter against the influx of southern tourists who go to FNQ to thaw out, the higher air fares (I'm well past driving a 5,000km round trip) and higher hotel tariffs in Cairns.
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