My Dragon Rampant

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My Dragon Rampant

Post by ochoin »

These 4 trolls join my wizard as the start of a Dragon Rampant force.
They are Dark Alliance figures.
I've never painted Fantasy before & I have enjoyed doing this.

Additionally, I've been experimenting with Citadel contrast paint. It works well.




Next up is a unit of 12 Half-orc pikemen.

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Re: My Dragon Rampant

Post by BaronVonWreckedoften »

Not my "bag" but nicely done, nonetheless - though I wouldn't want to be the kerrniggitt in the last photo!
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Baron Mannshed von Wreckedoften, First Sea Lord of the Bavarian Admiralty.
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Re: My Dragon Rampant

Post by ochoin »

BaronVonWreckedoften wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 10:49 am I wouldn't want to be the kerrniggitt in the last photo!
Most of us in our little group have 'Lion Rampant' retinues & enjoy the game.
I haven't gamed Dragon Rampant yet but I have read the rules closely.
Apart from the magical element, there's not a lot of difference between the two rule sets.
If you can play LR, you can play DR.
So, your medieval army can be fielded as a "straight" human force with no changes from LR. NB "buying" magical properties is expensive & a player without any will have extra unit(s). This seems to even things up.
Or, a LR retinue could "buy" a Mystical Weapon or Armour. Or make one of their units a "Slayer" - specifically a Troll or Beast killer. etc. There's a point cost obviously. Finally, the Magic is fairly low key & certainly won't even work all the time - you need to throw a dice for activation.

So, Knight(s) - it would be an elite cavalry unit of 6 models- fights 4 trolls (a reduced model unit). The Trolls stats differ a bit from the Knights but the the latter have a slight edge.I think. I would give the Trolls 'Fear' @ 2 points. This causes the knights -1 in a Courage Test.
All in all, probably an even match.

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Re: My Dragon Rampant

Post by Willz the Wargamer »

Very nicely painted figures Donald.

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Re: My Dragon Rampant

Post by valleyboy »

Nicely done Donald
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Re: My Dragon Rampant

Post by ochoin »

Thanks, gents.
I *am* enjoying painting these Fantasy figures. However, the 40 or so point force I raise will end up on Ebay if me &/or the group decide Fantasy isn't for us.
I may, regardless, paint the other half of the boxes I've bought - there's loads of figures in a 1/72 box - & sell them. I think there'd be a market for Fantasy at this scale. I've never actually painted something only to sell it. I'd put "Professional Painter" on my resume but people would look at my figures, point & laugh. :)

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