The game ran for 6 hours and played very well. We use "Rapid Fire" WW2 rules for the day.
Both sides had fuel and ammo constraints, I wrote my own movement and damage rules for the barges.
The Germans were stalled on the beach as I had put in a turn constraint, which meant if they had not got across at least one bridge and reinforced the bridgehead the British reserves would trap the on the beaches.
The Germans advance was not helped by the German commander spending 5 turns and using 3 tanks and a battalion of infantry to attack an empty pill box just off the beach.
The German commander dripped like a septic arsehole that as the umpire I should have told him the pill box was empty,
the British commander was chuffed to bits that he wasted 5 turns and a shed load of ammo (also there was ammo and fuel constraints in the game) on one target, that was empty. A defence deterrent well used.

The infamous empty pill box that the Germans spent several turns a shed load of ammo and fuel attacking it.
The British commander was canny and deployed his limited troops behind the trenches and dugin defences, the Germans wasted ammo shooting at empty targets.
