Operation Sealion 1940 (played 2012)

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Willz the Wargamer
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Operation Sealion 1940 (played 2012)

Post by Willz the Wargamer »

As there was a bit of interest in my post on this game I have posted some photos of the game
The game ran for 6 hours and played very well. We use "Rapid Fire" WW2 rules for the day.
Both sides had fuel and ammo constraints, I wrote my own movement and damage rules for the barges.
The Germans were stalled on the beach as I had put in a turn constraint, which meant if they had not got across at least one bridge and reinforced the bridgehead the British reserves would trap the on the beaches.
The Germans advance was not helped by the German commander spending 5 turns and using 3 tanks and a battalion of infantry to attack an empty pill box just off the beach.
The German commander dripped like a septic arsehole that as the umpire I should have told him the pill box was empty,
the British commander was chuffed to bits that he wasted 5 turns and a shed load of ammo (also there was ammo and fuel constraints in the game) on one target, that was empty. A defence deterrent well used.

















The infamous empty pill box that the Germans spent several turns a shed load of ammo and fuel attacking it.
The British commander was canny and deployed his limited troops behind the trenches and dugin defences, the Germans wasted ammo shooting at empty targets.






Last edited by Willz the Wargamer on Sun May 07, 2023 10:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Count Belisarius
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Re: Operation Sealion 1940 (played 2012)

Post by Count Belisarius »

That looks splendid! You need a longer table though...
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Re: Operation Sealion 1940 (played 2012)

Post by Spanner »

It certainly was impressive, mate. The German- even with his pillbox fixation- looks to have enough to force at least one of the bridges.

So the German expected a direct line from on high that the pillbox was empty? If he'd have sent troops forward using dry fire and movement (if the rules allow that- not played them) to clear it, instead praying and spraying, then he'd not have needed divine, or at least Willzian, intervention.
If "The System" is the answer, who asked such a bloody stupid question?
Willz the Wargamer
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Re: Operation Sealion 1940 (played 2012)

Post by Willz the Wargamer »

Spanner wrote: Sun May 07, 2023 12:24 pm It certainly was impressive, mate. The German- even with his pillbox fixation- looks to have enough to force at least one of the bridges.

So the German expected a direct line from on high that the pillbox was empty? If he'd have sent troops forward using dry fire and movement (if the rules allow that- not played them) to clear it, instead praying and spraying, then he'd not have needed divine, or at least Willzian, intervention.
I could not understand it, medium range firing but not close enough to know if there was anyone in the building.
I think it was 6 inches or less to detect, his argument for not risking troops to close in was that he needed them to defend the bridgehead. As he never captured a bridge let alone for a bridgehead a bit of a moot point there.

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Re: Operation Sealion 1940 (played 2012)

Post by Spanner »

I suppose we all get fixated on an enemy unit or terrain feature now and again. But all he had to do was send a section, even a couple of scouts, over to have a look and see if anybody was home.
If "The System" is the answer, who asked such a bloody stupid question?
Willz the Wargamer
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Re: Operation Sealion 1940 (played 2012)

Post by Willz the Wargamer »

Spanner wrote: Sun May 07, 2023 1:30 pm I suppose we all get fixated on an enemy unit or terrain feature now and again. But all he had to do was send a section, even a couple of scouts, over to have a look and see if anybody was home.
I think he got wargame itus were here played as a wargamer not tactically as a general.

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Re: Operation Sealion 1940 (played 2012)

Post by Peeler »

Looking good 👍
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Re: Operation Sealion 1940 (played 2012)

Post by DougM »

Very impressive. In 20mm I assume? Looks like the 1970s Airfix Magazine series... :)
Willz the Wargamer
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Re: Operation Sealion 1940 (played 2012)

Post by Willz the Wargamer »

DougM wrote: Wed May 10, 2023 9:11 am Very impressive. In 20mm I assume? Looks like the 1970s Airfix Magazine series... :)
Cheers, Peeler, Doug,
Yes 20mm and that was the look I was going for.

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Re: Operation Sealion 1940 (played 2012)

Post by FreddBloggs »

Sealion is an interesting what if.

I know the bay at Wichelsea where one of the landings was planned.

Great with surprise, less so otherwise as it sits in a bowl, you take the hill line quick, you have a protected landing zone, you fail to take them, artillery hell.
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