Spanner wrote: ↑Sun Dec 10, 2023 7:31 pm
Nicely done, mate. I agree with EB about the maps, too. Inspired by the "Refighting History" maps?
Cheers mate!
Strangely, I have no idea what the 'refighting history' maps are... Is that a blog I haven't discovered?
I would have thought you'd have seen these, Mark. Great maps and good ORBAT info included. Pricey, but I indulge.
Ah, the Charles S Grant books. I've seen ads for them, but haven't seen them in the flesh. Do his maps look like mine?
As you say, they're a bit pricey and for the most part I already have all the info I need to write my own scenarios, so I've never really felt the urge to buy them. I might be tempted if he does one for the Italian Theatre of the WAS though.
ochoin wrote: ↑Mon Dec 11, 2023 1:01 pm
I'll second the Grant books. Ridiculously expensive & worth every cent.
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll have to try and find one when I'm next at a show and have a browse. The trouble is that my one-quarter Cardi* blood stops me from buying scenario books when I've already got everything I need on the bookshelf (and/or t'interweb) to make my own scenario for free.
* Cardis (natives of Ceredigion) are like Scotsmen with the easy-going generous streak surgically removed; possessing deep pockets but short arms.
the Grant books are certainly centred on scenarios that are carefully tailored for wargaming. Very useful.
However, there's more. Taken in chronological order, they document the growth of his (+ family & friends) growth as a SYW wargamer.
Bare bones at the beginning, they add all sorts of extras - siege warfare, water transport, light troops, historical implications, campaigns - fascinating stuff.
I only own 5 of his books but you read & re-read them. BTW you virtually never see them second hand & then for outrageous prices.