The first game started 0930 on Saturday Guy, Ken and Norman played the Scottish / French, Tim and Mark (USA) played the British.
Lots of back and forth action during the mornings' action. Using fast play rules developed from Paul Robinson's rule with adaptations by me, with event cards to enhance the game. Figures were Guy's.
I believed the game ran well and everybody had fun, the British had to deal with a Highland regiment mutiny.
As the card was dealt but failed the dice roll to mutiny that turn but was enforced for 2 turns, so the British general sent them outside the walls on a no hope attack. As he did not trust them to fight for him.
The French got several battalions inside the walls by 1230 so we were at a stage where the British were forced to accept terms of surrender, marching out with fixed bayonets and flags aloft.
A huge thank you for all the support from everyone over the weekend, the "Siege of Kenilworth 1747" game won "best of the show".
Thank you Peeler for your company and entertainment on Friday night, I will let him explain the man at C and A reference
