BaronVonWreckedoften wrote: ↑Thu Aug 08, 2024 12:11 pm
I'd be interested in seeing your rules on naval gunfire.
(Oh, hark at me - telling a Navy man about naval support!)
I am using Paul Robinson rules from his game at Kenilworth 2023, modified by me. The artillery rules I have been using for forts and redoughts involved maths calculation, which slowed down the game. The new idea is easier and gives the firers a great chance of hitting.
Normal artillery fire. Firing 2 D6
Players compare the dice rolled and the loser retreats the difference in inches.
Artillery being hit in the field moves back the required number of inches and cannot fire if it has moved.
Artillery may fire 22.5 degrees left or right.
Artillery adds +1 to each dice if the target is less than six inches away.
Artillery deduct -1 from each of their dice if the target is over twelve inches.
Artillery deduct -2 from each of their dice if the target is over twenty four inches away.
I may use these firing rules as ships to shore and shore to ship.
Modified artillery fire Firing 2 D6
Artillery in redoughts and fortress artillery do not retreat but receive hits. Also as the are in hard cover its a -2 on attackers dice rolls,
lose by 2 inches = 1 damage, lose by 4 inches = 2 damage, lose by 6 inches = destroyed.
(For each damage -1 on firing D6's), Firing 1 damage -1 on firing dice, 2 damage -2 on firing dice.
Artillery does not fight in a melee and is deemed to be overrun and removed from the game.
So as you can see the attacker has to roll 12 on 2 D6 and the defender has to roll snake eyes to have a cannon destroyed with one shot.
Here are Stuarts shore to ship firing rules from his book "Against Spain". I will see if both work together.