Wargaming is a difficult hobby.

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Wargaming is a difficult hobby.

Post by ochoin »

You want a game of chess? Take out the board & set it up - 2 minutes.
You want a miniature wargame? A bit more complex.

One of my pals was saying the AZW figures he'd painted for a Show game 3 years ago were gathering dust. It's easy enough to have a garage game in a few weeks....or is it?

Since the Show, we've changed rules - from 'The Men Who Would Be Kings' to 'Black Powder' . This means looking at the BP Zulu War supplement, deciding which "special" rules should be applied & discussing via email.

The armies; several of us have figures. What will we use to create a balanced game? The scenario: where, when, what & victory conditions?
Army & stat lists are needed for BP. Is there any issues with figures - eg painting touch-ups? Wait! BP needs 'brigade" commanders. do we have enough suitable British/Colonial & Zulu figures for this role?

All of this requires extensive email discussion.

And let's not forget setting up & putting away. As this will be at my house, this is my responsibility. Both take time - more than the two minutes needed for chess.

There will be a lot of activity between now & late February when the game will happen.

All this is not to say wargaming isn't a *lot* of fun. But it's the reason we only game a dozen or so games a year.

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Re: Wargaming is a difficult hobby.

Post by BaronVonWreckedoften »

Well, that's all very well and good, Donald, but think about it, mate - how many beers can you "neck" whilst setting up a chess board?
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Re: Wargaming is a difficult hobby.

Post by Willz the Wargamer »

BaronVonWreckedoften wrote: Fri Feb 07, 2025 10:55 pm Well, that's all very well and good, Donald, but think about it, mate - how many beers can you "neck" whilst setting up a chess board?
Indeed Baron or red wine.

Wargaming is not a difficult hobby, sometimes it's the people who try to over regulate and control the hobby that gives
the perception of being a difficult hobby.
That's why I do my own rules for wargame shows. I am the expert and there is no argument over rules, I am always open
to new ideas. Over the past 2 years I have been playing and testing the rules I am using.

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Re: Wargaming is a difficult hobby.

Post by ochoin »

Perhaps 'difficult' was the wrong word.


Our group doesn't argue over rules, in any rancorous sense, but as I usually take the lead, I need to explain things to them.

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Re: Wargaming is a difficult hobby.

Post by BaronVonWreckedoften »

So it's more a "benign dictatorship" kind of thing then?
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Re: Wargaming is a difficult hobby.

Post by ochoin »

No. More like leading a herd of cats.
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