18 mm Waterloo Artillery Deal

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Fallen Woman
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18 mm Waterloo Artillery Deal

Post by vexillia »

For some strange reason I have ended up with loads of Campaign Games artillery packs. These contain two guns and crew and I have British, Dutch & Brunswick available.

To clear these I am running a 4 for 3 deal. That is four packs for £22.50 plus delivery.

Finally, and again for some strange reason, I have 8 packs of Dutch Bekgian cavalry looking for a good home. if anyone wants all 8 I will offer them a good deal.

Code: Select all

Code	Description	                                        Type	        Range	        Stock
CGB002A	British Artillery, 6 lb Battery.	                Artillery	British	        2
CGB004A	British Artillery, Howitzer Battery.	                Artillery	British	        2
CGB005A	British Horse Artillery, Howitzer Battery.	        Artillery	British	        2
CGW005A	Brunswick Foot artillery, British Howitzers.	        Artillery	Brunswick	2
CGW006A	Brunswick Horse artillery, British Howitzers.	        Artillery	Brunswick	2
CGW007A	Brunswick Foot artillery, British Guns.	                Artillery	Brunswick	2
CGW008A	Brunswick Horse artillery, British Guns.	        Artillery	Brunswick	1
CGD001A	Dutch Foot Artillery, French 6lb cannon.                Artillery	Dutch	        1
CGD002A	Dutch Foot Artillery, British  6lb cannon.	        Artillery	Dutch	        1
CGD003A	Dutch Foot Artillery, French Howitzers.	                Artillery	Dutch	        2
CGD004A	Dutch Foot Artillery, British Howitzers.	        Artillery	Dutch	        2
CGD005A	Dutch Horse Battery with French 6lb canon.	        Artillery	Dutch	        2
CGD006A	Dutch Horse Battery with British 6lb canon.	        Artillery	Dutch	        1
CGD007A	Dutch Horse Battery with French Howitzers.	        Artillery	Dutch    	1
CGD008A	Dutch Belgian Horse BAttery, British Howitzers.	        Artillery	Dutch    	2
CGD001C	Dutch Carabiniers (1st regiment) in bicorn, charging.	Cavalry	        Dutch	        2
CGD003C	Dutch Carabiniers (3rd regiment) in bicorn, charging.	Cavalry	        Dutch	        2
CGD005C	Belgian Carabiniers in helmet, charging.	        Cavalry	        Dutch    	1
CGD007C	6th Dutch Hussars, charging.	                        Cavalry	        Dutch	        1
CGD011C	5th Belgian Light Dragoons, charging.	                Cavalry	        Dutch	        1
CGD013C	4th Dutch Light Dragoons, charging.	                Cavalry	        Dutch	        1
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