At Greenway, Agatha Christie's home, this afternoon. Connolly's Greece and Rome at War and a guide to Wellington in the Peninsular War. Both for £4. A decent bargain I thought.
There is no point in being stupid if you don't show it!
Excellent bargain. The Connolly book is awesome. I had that when it came out, but it was stolen by a "friend". Finally got a replacement copy from Amazon for about £15.00. I would have paid double that.
Rules? You ask me what rules do I use. No, I don't do rules.
Penda wrote: ↑Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:04 pm
At Greenway, Agatha Christie's home, this afternoon. Connolly's Greece and Rome at War and a guide to Wellington in the Peninsular War. Both for £4. A decent bargain I thought.
Greece and Rome at War is one of my favorite books. Read it as a teenager and it was huge inspiration. That and his others ones all hold huge nostalgia for me, I collected most of them this year