M5 half track

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Re: M5 half track

Post by Spanner »

ochoin wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2024 3:43 am Oh. No decals came with the kit.

PSC do that, mate, and sell the decals separately. I haven't seen their 7 AD decal set, but their GAD set wasn't all that good and you'll need to buy the air recognition stars separately, as they weren't on the GAD sheet, so may not be on their 7 AD sheet (no photo on the site). I-94 do good examples of those and are easy to use https://i-94enterprises.com/products/de ... cal-scans/.

I haven't done any decal artwork for 7 AD, mate, and it doesn't look like there's much on offer. As the track is for the Motor Battalion the unit tac plate will be red with a white "54" on it. 22nd Armoured Brigade started putting their brigade badge on the unit tac plates sometime in '44, so you got the sort shown below. RMD or someone can tell you whether the change was pre- or post-Normandy.
22nd_ARMD BDE_MTR BN.jpg
22nd_ARMD BDE_MTR BN.jpg (31.14 KiB) Viewed 6217 times
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Re: M5 half track

Post by ochoin »

Thanks for that.

TBH the half track has fallen from view. We have our annual Show in a couple of weeks & I'm now focussed on The Sudan.

No doubt I'll get back to WW2 & vehicle markings in the future. For the while, the vehicle will be a "clean skin".

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Re: M5 half track

Post by Spanner »

Donald, lLet me know the scale (which tends to be flexible with PSC- just compare their Shermans and Cromwells side-by-side, so a side to side measurement of the cargo area will be needed), how many vehicles per company(I assume 1 per troop?) and I'll whip up the tac plate bridge class and subunit markings artwork for the half-tracks. If you have access to a reasonable printer you can print them yourself. Another option is to ask Laser Shark to print them for you. Michael does a good job (as long as you don't want small white alphanumerics or markings- resolution problems mean they won't print well), at a quite reasonable price. You'll still need to get the Allied Stars from somewhere, though. I-94 are the best I've used- thin, conform well with a spot of softener and you can use saliva to wet the spot where the decal is going, to help slide into position, rather than a setting solvent.

https://www.lasersharkdesigns.com.au/cu ... de-decals/
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Re: M5 half track

Post by Spanner »

The "15mm" (roughly 1/100ish) come up pretty well, too. I really should get these finished. I'd only started the weathering when other priorities came into play. Wiping mud over the white stars- great points of aim- on the sides came into practice early in Normandy. Some units painted them out, particularly the stars on the front glacis (not the ones the FGA pilots ignored).
T_M5 GAD.jpg
T_M5 GAD.jpg (56.65 KiB) Viewed 6177 times
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