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Re: Gaming or painting?
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:16 pm
by Paul
Hate painting figures and love the gaming side but never seem able to get a game

There has been times when I wonder why I bother with the painting slog and could make much better use of the room I have my stuff stored in!
So i'm really envious of anyone within half an hour of a regular club and don't understand why they wouldn't try to get a game at least once every couple of weeks.
Re: Gaming or painting?
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:17 pm
by valleyboy
As Jeremy said, either way posting game reports with pictures is difficult here in any case - and the word "Wargaming" encompasses all aspects of the hobby doesn't it not just the gaming. I like this place for the banter, friendship and inspiration and I get that same inspiration from other similar forums.
Is there a forum where the game is king David? I can't see one in any of the places I visit and I see that role as being one for a blog where there is time to prepare a post as opposed to the off the cuff opportunity remarks that occur on here
Re: Gaming or painting?
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:19 pm
by Wg Cdr Luddite
No comment. I don't have to justify my hobby to anybody.
Re: Gaming or painting?
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:19 pm
by BaronVonWreckedoften
Tim Hall wrote: ↑Tue Aug 03, 2021 6:02 pm
Well, for me it's always been about collecting, converting and painting the figures really.
That certainly shines through with your ACW collection - and those SYW/Imagination conversions of the Perry plastic cuirassiers were the absolute dogs dangly bits!
I used to love painting figures and even took commissions when I was a student and worked part-time at Games Unlimited in Kingston. For reasons I can't quite explain, I lost the will to paint and whilst I will generally be up for a game at short notice, painting - beyond sticking stuff together and priming/undercoating - just eludes me now. I'm sure if I disciplined myself

and made the effort to get back into it, I'd be ok, but I just can't seem to acquire the drive to finish anything off.
Re: Gaming or painting?
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:55 pm
by Tim Hall
BaronVonWreckedoften wrote: ↑Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:19 pm
Tim Hall wrote: ↑Tue Aug 03, 2021 6:02 pm
Well, for me it's always been about collecting, converting and painting the figures really.
That certainly shines through with your ACW collection - and those SYW/Imagination conversions of the Perry plastic cuirassiers were the absolute dogs dangly bits!
I used to love painting figures and even took commissions when I was a student and worked part-time at Games Unlimited in Kingston. For reasons I can't quite explain, I lost the will to paint and whilst I will generally be up for a game at short notice, painting - beyond sticking stuff together and priming/undercoating - just eludes me now. I'm sure if I disciplined myself

and made the effort to get back into it, I'd be ok, but I just can't seem to acquire the drive to finish anything off.
Thank you for the kind comments there. I thoroughly enjoyed working on that collection, and as much as I am trying to call it finished, I know I will sneak back to it and paint another regiment or two, or a vignette or something. I have tried commission painting, but my heart was never in it as it stopped me painting my own stuff. These days I am changing my painting style, slimming down the amount of work that goes into a figure yet achieving similar results, that seems to be working. But I would far rather have two excellent games a year than settle for an indifferent game each month. And yes, putting up pictorial game reports is now a complete fag, which is why I do it on facebook, as it's so much easier to post pics. As for painting, I try to get in an hour every day at the very least, often more. But I am retired and have a fair bit of time on my hands.
Re: Gaming or painting?
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 1:39 am
by DougM
Well, since February 2020 I have played two ftf games. It's hard to post pictures of virtual games. I paint almost every day but even in better times, would play at best 2 games a month. Hardly surprising I have more to post about painting.
Re: Gaming or painting?
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 4:48 am
by Etranger
In 'normal times' I'd get around 10 games a year in and a PBEM campaign every year or two. However COVID and other assorted illnesses amongst the group have severely curtailed activities, with 2 games so far this year.
Re: Gaming or painting?
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:24 am
by Buff Redux
As a painter I aspire to nothing beyond "Ok from 3 foot away". Any that turn out better are a bonus.
Despite the recent hassles our club seems to be settling down nicely in the new location so I expect to get a game most weeks.
I have to be realistic and the advancing years will probably curtail this eventually. I now look at new rules with an eye to solo play options.
Re: Gaming or painting?
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 10:55 am
by Penda
I'm finding reading all the replies quite interesting. I agree the Forum makes game reports very time consuming, but links to blogs are easy.
Re: Gaming or painting?
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 11:03 am
by Jeremy
I’ve often thought about a blog, but just never gotten round to it. I think largely because I spend 9+ hours a day for work on a PC, then most of my RPG’s are online, combined with virtual games since lockdown, it’s a lot of screen time.
I may consider it when things return to normal