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Re: ECW - just for arguments sake you understand

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 9:11 am
by Purple
Buff, it’s Wargames Jesus letting you know that multiparty plastics are the devil.

Re: ECW - just for arguments sake you understand

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 10:14 am
by Etranger
valleyboy wrote: ↑Fri Feb 22, 2019 5:53 am Pike length? Any suggestions on height?
My friend would like a bit of advice you see
He's currently prepping some Empress Miniatures infantry and wonder how long to make the Pike
They come in a 10 cms length but my Italian wars pike were cut to 8 cms
On 28mm figures I think this is reasonable
Any recommendations for 8 or 10cms or different again? My friend would be grateful for your opinions
"Officially" they were meant to be around 18 foot long & made of ash or similar wood, in as much as anything from the ECW was official. Naughty pikemen were known to lop a bit off the end, to make them easier to carry, or lighter, or sometimes just for firewood. In practice anything between 14 and 18 foot long would be typical.

Re: ECW - just for arguments sake you understand

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:55 pm
by Buff Orpington
I just found another minor niggle with the Warlord Pike & Shotte infantry sprue. As well as only having 12 weapons options for 13 bodies there are only 13 hat options, That means that if you use spare arms from the command sprue to make the 13th figure someone is always going to end up wearing the Covenanter bonnet. Fortunately each Firelock figure comes with 2 hats so I can leave them out.

Re: ECW - just for arguments sake you understand

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 12:15 pm
by Buff Orpington
Well, the set of reinforcements that I bought on Ebay the other week finally turned up. Can't fault Hermes this time, I think the seller took his time, mind you they were well packed.

This little lot includes 82 shot, 40 pike, 20 firelocks, 2, four man command sections, 2 foot commanders and 24 horse. Counting horse as 2 figures that's 34p a figure. The King & Country starter pack from Warlord is about 96p a figure. There was also a spare copy of Pike & Shotte which will be on the Ayton B&B table.

These are all neatly assembled and undercoated in black and individually based on MDF squares. A few are finished but his basing plan seems unusual for P&S, the finished ones have steel squares glued to the MDF and he made movement bases out of magnetic sheet and plasticard.

Re: ECW - just for arguments sake you understand

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 1:11 pm
by Essex Boy
Blimey! A proper bargain. Nice one.

Re: ECW - just for arguments sake you understand

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 1:22 pm
by Jeremy
If Buff ever goes cold turkey, EBay will go tits up

Re: ECW - just for arguments sake you understand

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 3:48 pm
by Buff Orpington
That's coming up shortly. I have more than enough stuff to paint at present so I shall attempt to use the longer daylight hours to get more done.
I am just about to cull my Watch list, all I need for ECW is cannon and cuirassiers and they can wait for a bit. Buying a cheap Warlord R35 tank would lead me astray but the diecast WWII stuff has possibilities.

Re: ECW - just for arguments sake you understand

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 9:00 am
by Buff Orpington
I've just uncovered the perfect force for one of us. Lord Brooke's Parliamentarians, purple coats and they lost 500+ men in about 6 weeks.

Re: ECW - just for arguments sake you understand

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 2:43 pm
by Purple

Re: ECW - just for arguments sake you understand

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 9:44 pm
by BaronVonWreckedoften
Buff Orpington wrote: ↑Sun Apr 07, 2019 9:00 am I've just uncovered the perfect force for one of us. Lord Brooke's Parliamentarians, purple coats and they lost 500+ men in about 6 weeks.
Allegedly the first ever victim of a firearm-equipped sniper (certainly the first English victim), when he was killed at the siege of Lichfield Cathedral in 1643. Sadly, his foot regiment was broken up in December 1642, due to its losses; equally sadly, it was probably only the six London companies that had the purple coats, whilst the four Warwickshire companies are thought to have been un-uniformed. Always seen in early war Parliamentarian armies, though, usually alongside Essex's (orange coats) and Hampden's (green coats) regiments of foot.