29 Let's Go

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levied troop
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29 Let's Go

Post by levied troop »

Baron Hardup aka Neanderthal(US) and myself (German) are attempting to play through the TFL CoC campaign, 29 Let's Go. This follows the fortunes of the US 29th Infantry Division and the German 352nd Division from 8th June 1944 as the Americans try to drive forward up the road to seize the bridge at Isigny, over which the Germans are attempting to withdraw their forces to create a defensive line. The following scenarios see an American platoon with very high support points trying to press forward, opposed by a German platoon with limited support.

Scenario 1 - Probe at La Cambe
Viewed from the American lines, the peaceful hamlet of La Cambe. The American objective is to get one team off the far end of the table:

The damn yankees made an aggressive patrol phase and located their jump-off points well forward. The fields on their left flank gave light cover to their advance:
while Obergefreiter Jan Bohmermann led his section boldly forward to oppose them.

The Americans have some compulsory support in the form of two Shermans. These have become aware (by reading the scenario beforehand!) of the two 88's covering the open ground and are therefore a touch hesitant about advancing:

At this point Unterfeldwebel Henning Wehn rolled 4 6's on 5 command dice and created a 'random event'. Which means that the Panzerschrek Team Wehn had cunningly located in the upper storey of the cream building started a fire with a carelessly discarded cigar butt:
and the drifting smoke completely obscured the road, the view of the Shermans and the advance of much of the US Platoon. And forced the evacuation of the house.

With the Germans in some disarray and Obergefreiter Michael Mittermeier being suspiciously slow in advancing to support the hapless but brave Bohmermann, the Yankee scum performed what should have been a suicidal charge:Image
and cleared the hedge line. On the right flank they almost instantly drove off an MG42 team trying to cover that area, but the war photographers were remarkably uninterested in that engagement.

Consequently, the Germans milled around in the back gardens, morale shaken, Bohmermann's squad making an understandable but undignified withdrawl, Mittermeier still dawdling and Wehn shouting furiously, with a completely redundant Pak38 crew sitting around laughing:
the Germans, mindful of the lack of reinforcements, withdrew towards Arthenay.
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Re: 29 Let's Go

Post by Essex Boy »

Very splendid, and well done Baron H.

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Re: 29 Let's Go

Post by Paul »

Excellent, looking forward to seeing the campaign play out :)
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Re: 29 Let's Go

Post by valleyboy »

I'm looking forward to the rest of this LT
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Re: 29 Let's Go

Post by Jeremy »

Excellent looking game LT. Those pint sized campaigns are excellent
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Re: 29 Let's Go

Post by Count Belisarius »

Excellent stuff! Roll on the next game!
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Re: 29 Let's Go

Post by World2dave »

Well done LT, that looks excellent. I really like TFL's approach to campaigns with these rules and I'm sure you'll get a lot of fun out of this one.
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Re: 29 Let's Go

Post by BaronVonWreckedoften »

levied troop wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2017 8:08 pm Scenario 1 - Probe at La Cambe
Viewed from the American lines, the peaceful hamlet of La Cambe. The American objective is to get one team off the far end of the table:
I take it that being escorted off as PoWs doesn't count?

And can I borrow your dice for my next FoGR game?
Kein Plan überlebt den ersten Kontakt mit den Würfeln. (No plan survives the first contact with the dice.)
Baron Mannshed von Wreckedoften, First Sea Lord of the Bavarian Admiralty.
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Re: 29 Let's Go

Post by Purple »

Smashing LT
Where does one fin£ that cute house with the balls on the roof. I like it
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levied troop
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Re: 29 Let's Go

Post by levied troop »

Purps - it's a Carentan model from Grand Manner, but checking their website it would seem that this range is now OOP. Which makes me a bit smug as I invested quite heavily in that range when it was available :twisted:

The next game followed almost immediately:

Scenario 2 - Arthenay
For some reason the war correspondents were having problems with the light or shaking hands, so most photos are of the very impressionistic period and not worth showing.

But basically:

The US need to advance up that road and clear the Germans from the hamlet. Again the US advanced rapidly on the left flank and Wehn was forced to throw the luckless Bohermann forward. Crossing open ground was not a smart idea and the first German squad suffered badly. Mittermeier's team, cunning located in the top floor of the brick house sprayed a rather bold US position in the hedges in front of them, but apart from wounding Corporal Radar, inflicted no real damage and were once again driven off.

The Shermans did actually advance this time, but an opportunistic long range shot but a carefully selected non-smoking Panzerfaust team KO'd one tank commander and some more off-table nastiness finished off the main gun of the other Sherman.

This is of course a glorious victory for the forces of cool uniforms and genocide. If we ignore the fact that the US die rolls then proceeded to ignore the idea of inflicting shock and opted to kill Wehn's men at a horrifying rate. One Junior leader (Mittermeier, who's performance in the last 2 games means this is no great loss) and 16 men dead and with limited replacements available to the Germans, they withdrew. The US lost 4 men and had 2 Junior Leaders wounded and while Col. Goode remains 'concerned' this is the best result he can ever achieve.

The Germans on the other hand are now 'anxious' and replacements will be hard to come by. Wehn may be forced to rely on Hilfswillinge volunteers for his next attempt to delay the Allies.

These campaigns do work very well and suit the strengths of the TFL rules, which emphasise key decisions on the part of the players (that may explain why I'm failing :vdrunk: ).

Not sure when we can arrange the next update as getting the Baron and myself in the same room requires some co-ordination and a UN task force, but the next scenario will be at St Germain-du-Pert.

Terrain by LT
Figures and tanks by Neanderthal/Baron Hardup
Catering by Waitrose (Why Pay Less?)
I get lockdown, but I get up again.
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