Scenario 1 - Probe at La Cambe
Viewed from the American lines, the peaceful hamlet of La Cambe. The American objective is to get one team off the far end of the table:

The damn yankees made an aggressive patrol phase and located their jump-off points well forward. The fields on their left flank gave light cover to their advance:

while Obergefreiter Jan Bohmermann led his section boldly forward to oppose them.
The Americans have some compulsory support in the form of two Shermans. These have become aware (by reading the scenario beforehand!) of the two 88's covering the open ground and are therefore a touch hesitant about advancing:

At this point Unterfeldwebel Henning Wehn rolled 4 6's on 5 command dice and created a 'random event'. Which means that the Panzerschrek Team Wehn had cunningly located in the upper storey of the cream building started a fire with a carelessly discarded cigar butt:

and the drifting smoke completely obscured the road, the view of the Shermans and the advance of much of the US Platoon. And forced the evacuation of the house.
With the Germans in some disarray and Obergefreiter Michael Mittermeier being suspiciously slow in advancing to support the hapless but brave Bohmermann, the Yankee scum performed what should have been a suicidal charge:

and cleared the hedge line. On the right flank they almost instantly drove off an MG42 team trying to cover that area, but the war photographers were remarkably uninterested in that engagement.
Consequently, the Germans milled around in the back gardens, morale shaken, Bohmermann's squad making an understandable but undignified withdrawl, Mittermeier still dawdling and Wehn shouting furiously, with a completely redundant Pak38 crew sitting around laughing:

the Germans, mindful of the lack of reinforcements, withdrew towards Arthenay.