Battle of Reichenberg - SYW
Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 9:17 am
Although the game is tomorrow, I'm already set up (I'm so organised!).
The historical battle was in 1757. The Austrians, under Konigsegg, were tasked with slowing down Bevern's Prussians.
The Austrians, although out numbered, had good positions, utilising villages & redoubts along their line.
The Prussians will be placed on the table by my opponents, tomorrow, after they view the Austrian positions.
What will make this battle different is that historically a number of Austrian line battalions retreated seemingly for no purpose.
To simulate this, I will throw percentage dice every turn, and if/when a score of 90% or more is made, a brigade of 4 battalions will be removed from the table; creating a rather large hole.
My opponents don't know this or the significance of my dice rolling each game turn. I'm hoping it makes them nervous.
Hopefully more photos etc tomorrow if I remember to take them.
The historical battle was in 1757. The Austrians, under Konigsegg, were tasked with slowing down Bevern's Prussians.
The Austrians, although out numbered, had good positions, utilising villages & redoubts along their line.
The Prussians will be placed on the table by my opponents, tomorrow, after they view the Austrian positions.
What will make this battle different is that historically a number of Austrian line battalions retreated seemingly for no purpose.
To simulate this, I will throw percentage dice every turn, and if/when a score of 90% or more is made, a brigade of 4 battalions will be removed from the table; creating a rather large hole.
My opponents don't know this or the significance of my dice rolling each game turn. I'm hoping it makes them nervous.
Hopefully more photos etc tomorrow if I remember to take them.