Here they are

The first 3 regiments are from Empress Miniatures
Allan Apsley's Regiment

Edward Stradling's Regiment

Anthony Thellwell's Regiment

The next is a generic regiment from First Corps Miniatures

The Pike are held rather than grounded and I hope well be OK after being attached with epoxy

Next is Colonel John Talbot's Regiment another from First Corps

Lord Hopton's Regiment

with the 3rd First Corps Regiment being The Duke of York's Regiment

Next another Generic regiment this time a plastic one from Warlord Games
Can't really say I enjoyed painting these and the lack of flags doesn't help

Moving on to the last 2 from Bicorne Miniatures
Charles Gerard's Regiment

The pike are grounded and I wonder if might take rougher handling in the long term

Finally The Kings Lifeguard

My Favourite pose is the Musketeer at order pose

Flags are by Flags of War

I have a set of flags for John Lamplugh's regiment left and enough Bicorne figures undercoated t complete this and I think that will be enough Royalist foot for now though I have painted another Warlord Pikeblock and am trying to motivate myself to paint the associated musketeers