28mm Painted ACW Confederate Army

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Grizzly Madam
Posts: 4640
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28mm Painted ACW Confederate Army

Post by Paul »

I have decided to sell on the painted army I used at the Framlingham event.
It was bought and painted specifically for an ACW game Tim was going to do at Ayton a couple of years ago that never happened so it has only ever been used once.
It is entirely made up of metal figures from 1st Corps and Steve Barber, some painted to a pretty good standard by me and the cavalry and General to an excellent standard by a commission painter.
I'll be looking for around £4.50 per "piece" plus postage.

The Army consists of:
4 x 18 figure Foot regiments including two flags per regiment. 3 Are relatively generic types the fourth is a "ragged" Mississippi regt. (Total 72 Pieces)
12 x Cavalry and one mounted General (Total 26 Pieces)
2 x Artillery and crew (total 14 pieces)
Army Total 112 pieces

I'd rather sell it this army to someone I know but will move it to Ebay if there is no interest here.

Thanks for Looking :D








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