This thread will contain all of our releases and new product lines for 2023, so to get things started...
Our next release of the year is a really fun one, as Techno's Night Terrors are now available! These Fantasy chaotic hybrid sculpts are sculpted by Phil Lewis and are an eclectic combination of heads, weapons and limbs to create some truly weird looking creatures!
For anyone unaware of Phil's background, he worked at Games Workshop in the early 1990s, overseeing the photography, painting and sculpting departments at various points. Some folks may remember his Blood Bowl team that appeared in White Dwarf many moons ago, with these new figures following a similar old-school theme.
So for a bit of 1990's nostalgia, head over and take a look here: ... 1095-c.asp
Techno's Night Terrors - ... 1095-c.asp
TNT-CLW The Claw
TNT-GAR Gargantua
TNT-QUA Quadro
TNT-SAY Sayford
TNT-WLF Wolfkin
(all priced at £5 each)