the Battle of Hopetoun: an ECW game
Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:00 am
The 'Battle of Hopetoun' is a fictional ECW battle, based on a scenario from the internet. It was devised to allow a smaller Montrose army to effectively fight a larger English Royalist army.
Rules used were 'Victory Without Quarter'which provided an enjoyable, fairly simple yet historical game.
The English Royalist army was surprised by the sudden rising of the Hope River, leaving most of the infantry & artillery centred on Hopetoun:

Most of the cavalry was on the "wrong" side of the now unfordable river, with only 3 distant bridges allowing a crossing.

Rupert's crack Horse were off marauding but were expected back at any time.
Meanwhile, Montrose's army had stolen a march & were determined to destroy King Charles' army in detail.

An Irish Pike & shot regiment, lost, found it's way to add woe to the English by turning up to harass the mostly mounted, river bound force.

The English pike & Shot infantry, under Astely, Derby & Carey waited for the onslaught of their Celtic foes.

Meanwhile, Rupert finally turned up too late to influence the fighting.

The battle played out to the push of pike & the English were routed of the battlefield whilst their Horse, unable to force acrossing, looked on.

Marston Moor anyone?
Rules used were 'Victory Without Quarter'which provided an enjoyable, fairly simple yet historical game.
The English Royalist army was surprised by the sudden rising of the Hope River, leaving most of the infantry & artillery centred on Hopetoun:

Most of the cavalry was on the "wrong" side of the now unfordable river, with only 3 distant bridges allowing a crossing.

Rupert's crack Horse were off marauding but were expected back at any time.
Meanwhile, Montrose's army had stolen a march & were determined to destroy King Charles' army in detail.

An Irish Pike & shot regiment, lost, found it's way to add woe to the English by turning up to harass the mostly mounted, river bound force.

The English pike & Shot infantry, under Astely, Derby & Carey waited for the onslaught of their Celtic foes.

Meanwhile, Rupert finally turned up too late to influence the fighting.

The battle played out to the push of pike & the English were routed of the battlefield whilst their Horse, unable to force acrossing, looked on.

Marston Moor anyone?