Dunoon - ECW game
Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 11:24 am
Our group is working hard to prepare for our demo Show game in July. After tweaking the rules ('Victory without Quarter') to better suit big battles, we're going to have a manageable practice game tomorrow. I've decided to ref the game & I've set up parts of my two armies for a fictional battle.
The forces of the English crown under King Charles, face a Covenanter army under Archibald Campbell, latterly Duke of Argyll.
The battlefield:

Seizing & holding the ford will be the objective.

Dunoon Fort has been besieged by the Sassenachs (English)
The English royalists:

"Galloper" cavalry is King Charles' elite.

A battaglia of solid P&S regiments

Another battaglia but this time including dragoons & commanded shot
The Covenanters:

A battaglia of I suspect indifferent mounted troops

Levin's elite _ Scots lancers & cuirassiers.

A mixed command of Forlorn Hope, Scots' Highlanders & Dragoons

Doughty Covenanter Pike & shot regiments.
The forces of the English crown under King Charles, face a Covenanter army under Archibald Campbell, latterly Duke of Argyll.
The battlefield:

Seizing & holding the ford will be the objective.

Dunoon Fort has been besieged by the Sassenachs (English)
The English royalists:

"Galloper" cavalry is King Charles' elite.

A battaglia of solid P&S regiments

Another battaglia but this time including dragoons & commanded shot
The Covenanters:

A battaglia of I suspect indifferent mounted troops

Levin's elite _ Scots lancers & cuirassiers.

A mixed command of Forlorn Hope, Scots' Highlanders & Dragoons

Doughty Covenanter Pike & shot regiments.