Battleground 2019 - Sat 30th November, Stockton-on-Tees, UK
Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:22 am
This year's Battleground show takes place on Saturday 30th November at our usual venue of the Queen's Campus Sports Hall in Stockton-on-Tees, TS17 6BH. The event runs from 10am until 3pm and once again running it's FREE ENTRY for everyone! After the success of last year it made sense to keep this in place so we hope you will support us and head along!
As usual we'll have a few new traders for this year, so keep an eye out for more information on those. We're hoping to have close to 40 traders in total and you can check who's coming on the Battleground website here:
We always have a fantastic selection of display and participation games on offer, usually around 25 games in total. We'll be sending the booking forms out to the games clubs in the next fortnight so keep checking the games lists here:
Our Tabletop Sale sells out every year so for this year we've had to limit bookings to only 4 slots per person (2 hours total). So for only £1.50 per half hour slot, you can sell as much as you like, with no commission at all! You deal directly with the buyers, answer any questions they may have, haggle over prices and get those unwanted goodies sold! Once your time is up (or better still, you’ve sold everything!), you can walk away, cash in hand, and enjoy the rest of the show! The bookings for the Tabletop will be open from September and they can be made through the contact section of the website:
Last year we had some fantastic talks from Phil Philo of the Battlefields Trust and we're hoping to have another selection for folks to enjoy. This year we might have some other guest speakers so keep an eye out for more updates on that.
All of the show info can be found on either the Battleground website here: or our Facebook page here: If you've got any questions about the event, just let us know.
So, don't forget to tell your friends about the FREE ENTRY and we'll see you there!