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For Sale: 28mm Foundry Landsknechts

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:07 pm
by BaronVonWreckedoften

Just had a sale on Lead Adventure Forum go south on me, so thought I would offer these here. Four packs (two mounted, two foot) bought with the idea of starting a 1513 Henry VIII in France army, but realised these figures needed too much conversion to make them look more English:

REN017 - Renaissance Knights Command (3 mounted figures)
REN022 - Landsknecht Command (7 - not 6 - foot figures)
REN048 - Armoured Landsknechts Marching (8 foot figures)
REN100 - Mercenary Command (3 mounted figures)

You can see the packs online at the Foundry website, for poses etc. I bought these at Partizan 18 months ago, when the make-up of the packs was slightly different from what is currently shown on the Foundry website - for example, they didn't come with pikes, but I have found 8 x 100mm pikes for the marching guys; unfortunately, I don't have any spears for the two mounted mercenary commanders. Also, there is an extra officer figure in the foot command set. On that basis, I thought £30 + P&P for the whole lot (exactly half-price after the hike at the end of October).

Any takers?