Not Leipzig but Aspern
Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 2:00 am
I know my ramblings on a Show in August in Brisbane can't be that interesting* but thanks for the opportunity to post: I get insights into our decisions.
Liepzig's out. We don't have enough players, time (2 days isn't really enough) or space (7 metres X 3) to fit in the figures needed. So we've decided to do Aspern-Essling in 1809. The game has two aspects; the slowing down (ie not stopping) the bridge crossing of the French and the battle once they cross the Danube. We're working out mechanisms to bolt on to our General d'Armee rules to cover the potential damage & re-building of the pontoon bridge(s).
Any way, more later.
* Of course anyone in Brisbane in early August will get a command in the game
Liepzig's out. We don't have enough players, time (2 days isn't really enough) or space (7 metres X 3) to fit in the figures needed. So we've decided to do Aspern-Essling in 1809. The game has two aspects; the slowing down (ie not stopping) the bridge crossing of the French and the battle once they cross the Danube. We're working out mechanisms to bolt on to our General d'Armee rules to cover the potential damage & re-building of the pontoon bridge(s).
Any way, more later.
* Of course anyone in Brisbane in early August will get a command in the game