Stargrave, 5 Parsecs from home or other SF small figure count games.

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Grizzly Madam
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Stargrave, 5 Parsecs from home or other SF small figure count games.

Post by FreddBloggs »

Any of you reprobates play these games, or others like them and can make recommendations and avoids?
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Re: Stargrave, 5 Parsecs from home or other SF small figure count games.

Post by Paul »

I have both, haven't played Stargrave and have only rolled up my crew for 5 Parsecs. It looks the better of the two.
W2D has played a lot of 5 Parsecs so he's the chap to talk to. I'll be starting a campaign after Ayton in November.
Another worth considering is Space Station Zero.
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Re: Stargrave, 5 Parsecs from home or other SF small figure count games.

Post by FreddBloggs »

Ooooh thank you, that looks interesting....
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Re: Stargrave, 5 Parsecs from home or other SF small figure count games.

Post by goat major »

I've only played 5 parsecs.

It's a solo game. The battle rules are fairly basic but do the job. Encounters are pretty fast and play through in half an hour or so. You only need 5 or 6 figures per side to get started and a enough scenery to create a fair degree of LOS blocking.

The real strength of the game is the solo campaign system. There are loads of random tables that keep your interesting and bring it to life. It's got a feel of Traveller or Firefly. I've played a short campaign and it's great fun. I would recommend keeping a log or diary because it will really make your crew feel like a narrative story.

It's a great game. Thoroughly recommend it.
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Re: Stargrave, 5 Parsecs from home or other SF small figure count games.

Post by World2dave »

Absolutely agree with GM's points, and equally looking forward to hearing about Paul's campaign when it starts.
I've played a lot of Parsecs, both solo and collaborative with each of us running half the crew, which is great fun.

Stargrave looks fine, but after trying Parsecs I don't feel the need to give anything else a go at this stage.
Good luck Fred - let us know how you get on.
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Re: Stargrave, 5 Parsecs from home or other SF small figure count games.

Post by FreddBloggs »

This simple winter project has just exploded on me!

Looking for cheap droids, easy there are Not-Lego star wars super battle droids, 20 for 10 quid, excellent, but as they were on etsy they also had other recommendations, like cybermen and heavy weapons daleks and new style battlestar cylons, all good for sci fi skirmishing....
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Re: Stargrave, 5 Parsecs from home or other SF small figure count games.

Post by tim.w »

I was tempted by 5 Parsecs a while back but didnt get as far as buying a copy. I'm not usually a Sci-Fi fan, though this had me interested on the basis of it being a good solo game. Too few historical solo options about. I'm going to regret getting rid of my Star Wars micro machines!
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Re: Stargrave, 5 Parsecs from home or other SF small figure count games.

Post by FreddBloggs »

I think that in this kind of solo/skirmish narrative game style,it suits Fantasy/sci fi.

Saying that, it would not take a lot to make Space Station Zero, into a pulp/Indiana Jones/Cthulhu monsters, style game.
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