We had a very satisfying 2nd game of LR last night. All of us are very impressed by the rules. So much that as Australia Day is next Thursday, we've organised our 3rd game for this auspicious holiday.
This year’s Show was a topic of discussion as we pushed our reluctant knight's around the table & watched our bowmen shoot up opposing spearmen. Lion Rampant could be the the choice.
Points of Interest
1. Field at least 5 retinues. Everyone would be encouraged to create their own command. Early Medieval (1100s ) for preference but really a wide latitude would be fine.
2. Increase the point total so as to increase the number of figures. I suggested 48 points (eg a “double” sized force). This means after the Show, each of us would have 2 retinues for a pick-up game.
3. The table could be a lot smaller than usual- 2 table tennis tables sized would do.
5. Terrain would be the usual woods, marsh, stream, hill set-up. Mostly just nature. One of us has a fairly fancy castle (Zvesda?) he’s working on for a centre piece. I have 2 farms ready to go (hovel+ field) & others might create a few more.
6. There is a mini-campaign concept in the rule book that would go for at least one day – if necessary, stir & repeat for Day Two.
7. A “punter’s retinue” could be organised for genuine interaction for the crowd (needs rules – a strict time limit, age limit etc)
Certainly this would be different from our usual wall-to-wall troops but would still be visually attractive. We could 'decorate' with posters on heraldry? Armour? The Crusades? etc.
Feel free to comment (mock, change the topic, advertise your Hyundai for sale, discuss the weather etc). What do you think about 48 point retinues? Would we need a second Leader?
Lion Rampant- second game & matters arising
Re: Lion Rampant- second game & matters arising
My personal preference is for a second leader for anything over 36pts, but it's not essential.
If everyone has two retinues of 24pts (each with it's own commander) they could control these themselves or hand one over to any punters who were interested. That would give a much bigger participation capacity whilst not making any essential to keep things flowing?
Pretty much any of the scenarios can be linked if you come up with a good narrative story to join them.
If everyone has two retinues of 24pts (each with it's own commander) they could control these themselves or hand one over to any punters who were interested. That would give a much bigger participation capacity whilst not making any essential to keep things flowing?
Pretty much any of the scenarios can be linked if you come up with a good narrative story to join them.
Re: Lion Rampant- second game & matters arising
Thank you, Paul.
The one problem I can foresee is time.
Adding double-strength retinues (& 5 of them!) could mean we go from a quick play, enjoyable game to something slow & dreary.
The one problem I can foresee is time.
Adding double-strength retinues (& 5 of them!) could mean we go from a quick play, enjoyable game to something slow & dreary.