This project started years ago when I started recreating my 28mm ImagiNations in 6mm. Started with the Swans:

And then because I didn't have a formal enemy for them I had a batch of 'French' themed figures painted:

The project got abandoned and passed to Paul Bright who added a lot more figures to it, some painted himself, some commissioned, some bulk eBay purchases. And as is the nature of the hobby, the project came back to me again! And
also came back with a LOT of unpainted lead!

So, resurrecting the project I decided after much mulling to go for 60mm bases rather than the 40mm EVERYTHING was already on!

Von Donovan's Legion


French types - still need to work these into my ImagiNation narrative!

Contingent of Wild Geese types which I decide to do as such.

The Boleyn Regiment from the Gateway Alliance

Lights and guns

Painting the flags in 6mm has been fun but a bit fiddly. At least you can be more impressionistic in 6mm!

Lots more to do for rebasing and the bulk is not that well painted so need to look at a way to tart them up. And I'm light on cavalry so have lot of that to paint.