F/S various 6mm WW2 figures

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F/S various 6mm WW2 figures

Post by Slugbalancer »

Having decided not to continue adding to my 6mm WW2 armies, I've got the following five groups of unpainted figures to dispose of.

Free to a good home but buyer pays postage.
Payment via Paypal
If you are interested, please PM.

2D6 Mediterranean, North Africa and Middle East
B01 - Brit Inf Command Med x 5
B02 - Brit Inf Signals Med x 2
B11 - Brit Inf Rifles Med x 10
B30 - Brit Inf LMG1 Med x 5
B36 - Brit Inf Vickers HMG Med x 4
B44 - Brit Inf 3 Inch Mortar Med x 7
CW - Light Tank Mark Vib x 2

2D6 Soviet
R01 - Command x 3
R101 - Political Officer x 1
R11 - Riflemen x 12
R20 - SMG x 12
R36 - Maxim HMG x 1
R40 - 82mm Mortar w/Crew x 6
R92 - Flamethrowers x 1
R94 - Assault Sappers SMG x 1
Sov - SU-100 x 1
Sov - SU-122 x 1
Sov - T34/85 x 4
H&R - SA201 - Ilyushin Il-2 Shturmovik x 1

H&R 8th Army
B322 - British WW2 8th Army 0.303" Vickers with 3 man team (1 MG and 3 crew) x 1
B323 - British WW2 8th Army NCO & Grenadier (4 figures, 2 of each type) x 3
B324 - British WW2 8th Army Command & RTO (1 x RTO & 2 x different Officers) x 4
B328 - British WW2 8th 3-inch mortar & crew (1 mortar and 3 crew) x 1
B329 - British WW2 8th Minedetector Mk III (5 figures) x 1
B331 - British WW2 8th Army with Flamethrower (5 figures) x 1
B333 - British WW2 8th 4.2-inch mortar & crew (1 mortar and 3 crew) x 1
BR07 - British WW2 8th Army (50) approx 50 figures x 1 Pack

H&R Germans
G01 - Rommel personality strip x 1
G185 - German infantry command strip x
G410 - German WW2 Late Infantry NCO & Grenadier (4 figures, 2 of each type) x 2
G411 - German WW2 Late Infantry rifles & MP.40 (5 different figures) x 3
G412 - German WW2 Late Infantry MG.34∕42 teams (3 x 2 man team) x 1
G413 - German WW2 Late Infantry Command & RTO (1 x RTO & 2 x different Officers) x 4
G415 - German WW2 Late Infantry 81mm mortar & crew (1 mortar and 3 crew) x 3
G416 - German WW2 Late Infantry with StG.44 (5 figures) x 3
G417 - German WW2 Late Infantry Panzerfaust (5 figures) x 2
G421 - German WW2 Late Infantry Flammenwerfer 41 (5 figures) x 2
G427 - German WW2 Late Infantry 120mm mortar & crew (1 mortar and 3 crew) x 1

H&R British WW2 Paras
B17 - Tetrarch x 1
US10 - M22 Locust x 1
B217 - 75mm Pack Howitzer x1
B313 - British WW2 Para's gun crew standing x 1
BR06 - WW2 British Paratroops Support approx. 50 figures & equipment x 1
B316 - British WW2 Para's Welbike & rider (4 figures with bikes) x 1
B301 - British WW2 Para's command (1 x RTO & 2 x different Officers) x 2
B305 - British WW2 Para's NCO & Grenadier (4 figures, 2 of each type) x 1
B312 - British WW2 Para's gun crew kneeling (3 figures) x 6
BR05 - WW2 British Paratroops approx. 50 figures x 1
B220 - Para Radio trailer x 1
B200 - Airborne Cut down Morris & cargo x 1
B202 - Basic Airborne jeep with crew x 3
B203 - Airborne Recce jeep with Vickers and crew x 1
B205 - Airborne Signals/Bty command jeep x 1
B222 - Jeep trailer - 6Pdr ammo x 1
B223 - Jeep trailer - Pack Howitzer ammo x 1
B210 - Airborne 6Pdr firing x 1
B213 - Airborne Polsten Firing Ground x 1
B215 - 17 pdr Firing Para Helmet x 1
B218 - Para Jeep trailer - open x 3
B18 - Cromwell x 1
SG - CABS31 - General Aircraft Hamilcar Mk I
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